
dimarts, 5 de març del 2013

Basic Kit for making the Smocking Angel Sleeves

Ja no teniu excusa. Si us feia mandra de passar els fils, o no teniu possibilitat de tenir la màquina per fer-ho aqui teniu la oportunitat. Si sempre heu volgut fer una vestit d'aquests, ara podeu comprar aquest Kit de Costura per a 1 any. Venc el vestit montat, el biaix del coll per polir i els dos butons per cordar a l'esquena; que es el Kit Basic. NO INCLOSOS els fils del brodat i les instruccions. Hi ha 17 fileres de fils per formar els plecs i treballar els brodats. Vosaltres heu de fer el brodat amb el disseny que volgueu i acabar de polir manigues, la costura de redera i la bora. La feina menys agraïda ja esta feta. Animeu-vos, que queda molt bonic.

You no longer have an excuse. If you were worried about passing the thread, or do not have ability to have the machine to do it here is the opportunity. If you ever wanted to make a dress from these, you can now purchase this sewing kit for 1 year. I sell clothing assembled, bias neck polishing and two buttons to fasten at the back, which is the Basic Kit. NOT INCLUDED embroidery threads and instructions. There are 17 rows of threats to form pleats and embroidery work. You have to do the embroidery design you want and finish polishing sleeves, back seam and hem. Already done the hard work. Encourage you, as it is a charming dress.

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